Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Swim­suit and Bikini Modeling

Many admire the pic­tures found in Sports Illus­trated Swim­suit Issue.  It is the largest cir­cu­la­tion of the Sports Illus­trated pub­li­ca­tion and the most money-making Issue for the com­pany.  But have you ever won­dered why the swim­suits look so gor­geous?  How are you able to deliver such a sen­sual swim­suit pic­ture?  What does it take to have a suc­cess­ful swim­suit pho­tog­ra­phy ses­sion?  Obvi­ously, it takes more than find­ing a sexy swim­suit to gen­er­ate a gor­geous swim­suit photo.

Who is the Per­fect Swim­suit Model?

It does not take a super­model or a spe­cific age to model swimwear.  There are females out of the ideal model indus­try body shape or 20-something age group who look incred­i­ble in swim­suits.  Ten­nis star Ser­ena Williams is not your stereo­typ­i­cal female swim­suit model, but her swim­suit pho­tos look stun­ning.  She posed in a white bikini for the Sports Illus­trated Swim­suit Edi­tion 2003.  Her photo got her the cover.  She was per­fec­tion.  Her body high­lighted with per­fect light­ing, her make-up flaw­less, and hair flow­ing seam­lessly with the shot.  She looks sexy, con­fi­dent and beau­ti­ful.  She is a prime exam­ple that fit­ting out­side of the model indus­try norm still results in a pic­ture ooz­ing sex appeal.   And the key is hav­ing the right team of pro­fes­sion­als around you.

hat Makes an Impres­sive Bikini Photograph?

It does not take a spe­cific body shape or age to make an impact­ful swim­suit pho­to­graph.  It takes more than a sexy swim­suit. You need to find a pro­fes­sional, expe­ri­enced swim­suit pho­tog­ra­pher, ensur­ing your pic­ture will be ele­vated to mag­a­zine stan­dards, even if it is for pri­vate use.  There is noth­ing wrong with want­ing the best out of a swim­suit shoot, regard­less if the shoot is for your per­sonal use or not, and your con­nec­tion to cre­at­ing such per­fec­tion is through your photographer.
Find out if your pho­tog­ra­pher has done sim­i­lar swim­suit shoots before. For instance, if you are look­ing for a sexy, men’s mag­a­zine swim­suit style shoot, then select a pro­fes­sional swimwear pho­tog­ra­pher who has already achieved that look with other clients.  If you need a fit­ness bathing suit photo ses­sion com­pleted for fit­ness com­pe­ti­tion, then find a pro­fes­sional swim­suit pho­tog­ra­pher who han­dles fit­ness mod­el­ing clients too.  The more diverse the selected pho­tog­ra­pher is in these types of mod­el­ing, the bet­ter shots you shall receive.A pro­fes­sional swimwear pho­tog­ra­pher that has shot swimwear, bikini, glam­our, boudoir, and fit­ness pho­tog­ra­phy truly under­stands the best angles and poses needed to cre­ate the per­fect shot with the right amount of sen­su­al­ity.  Fur­ther­more, a pro­fes­sional swimwear pho­tog­ra­pher will con­duct a con­sul­ta­tion with you days, if not weeks, prior to the shoot to dis­cuss the type of pic­ture you wish to por­tray.  Think about if you are look­ing to gen­er­ate a beach-surfer girl look, Bo Derek throw­back or a straight-forward bathing suit pho­to­graph for a fit­ness com­pe­ti­tion.  These details should be dis­cussed prior to the shoot.  Addi­tion­ally, the con­sul­ta­tion will pro­vide direc­tion the pro­fes­sional pho­tog­ra­pher will com­mu­ni­cate to the make-up artist, hair styl­ist, wardrobe con­sul­tant, and light­ing director.

What Poses are Suit­able for a Swimsuit?

There is no sim­ple answer to this ques­tion.  It depends on the pur­pose of the pho­to­graph.  Your pho­tog­ra­pher will pro­vide you with ideas, but look at pic­tures and find sam­ples of ones you pre­fer.  The clas­sic Victoria’s Secret pose is one where you stand against a sup­port­ing prop, arch your back against it, and lift your butt off the object, reveal­ing your butt and front while turned slightly side­ways at the hips.  This is a great pose if you are going for some­thing sul­try.  If you like the men’s mag­a­zine pho­tographs, there is always the swim­suit model with one hand pulling down the side of her swim­suit bot­toms in a teas­ing man­ner.  All of these are great looks if you are pre­sent­ing this to your man are a print model and need more ver­sa­tile shots than a come-hither sexy ad, think about the female audi­ence.  For instance, if you adver­tise per­fume and the shot requires you in a bathing suit, then con­sider your audi­ence.  What would sell the per­fume ad appeal to women in a non-sexual, glam­orous way?  This will alter your pose.  You will not arch your back and tug at the bot­tom half of your swim­suit.  Instead, you may stand with your arms crossed over your head with your face directly into the light.  If you are able to switch from a vampy swimwear style for men’s mag­a­zines to trans­form­ing into a female suited for a print cat­a­log, then let the pho­tog­ra­pher know you wish to do both.  The more shots you pro­duce, the bet­ter chances are of land­ing audi­tions for both gigs.
Think about what your favorite fea­tures are and ask the pho­tog­ra­pher the best ways to high­light these attrib­utes.  He/she will know the best posi­tion, light­ing, and route to go achiev­ing the most amaz­ing, gor­geous and sexy swim­suit photo ever.
To get the best bikini pho­to­graph or a swim­suit pic­ture, talk to a swim­suit pho­tog­ra­phy pro­fes­sional today.  Ask ques­tions.  Do not be shy.  This is your swim­suit photo ses­sion and you want it the best it can be.  Thus, if a pho­tog­ra­pher pro­vides ample infor­ma­tion to absorb and exhibit in your pho­to­graph, the bet­ter the pic­ture will turn out.Follow Us On These Other NetworksMandarich Models On TwitterMandarich Models On FacebookMandarich Models On MyspaceFollow Us On LinkedinStay Up To Date With Our RSS FeedMandarich Models Videos On Youtube,,,,,,,,

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